Sydney Vocation

Importance of Prayer

If you’re asking the question, ‘How do I discern?’ the one word answer would be ‘pray.’ In prayer we encounter God: we bring Him the questions which the Holy Spirit has stirred in our daily lives, and God speaks to us. Although God already knows us intimately, He desires us to open our hearts to Him and be honest with Him, bringing before Him all our hopes, dreams, struggles and worries.

Here are our top 10 tips on prayer for discerning your vocation:

Prayers for Your Vocation

Prayer can take shape as an informal conversation with God, both speaking and listening. Sometimes when we are not sure of the words to say, it can be helpful to take the words someone else has written, to let them sink in our hearts and make them our own. Here are some prayers that may help you to pray for your own vocation and for others.

Prayer of St Ignatius

Prayer to know my Vocation

Prayer for Vocations

Reflection of Saint Cardinal John Henry Newman

Banner Photo Credit: Giovanni Portelli

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